Thursday, September 22, 2011

Meeting on Wednesday 9/21/11

At the meeting on Wednesday, an idea was smashed, by the same person as always, ALEX, THE IDEA SMASHER!  Simply put him in charge of researching your ideas, and he’ll come back and tell you it’s already invented!
     The idea had to do with a temperature taking device.  It was a really cool idea, but ALEX smashed it!  Thanks, Alex.  We found a way to make something new out of it. The meeting went well, and nobody left up-set, as always.

     Thanks for the help mentors and coach!!!


1 comment:

  1. Alex, Alex. Leave it to Alex. He's "smashed" so many ideas this year with his great research into patents. Even when other team members research and find out that our Innovative Solution already exists, they now let Alex share the bad news.

    Thanks, Alex, for your great sense of humor when you give us one thumb up and one thumb down (up for GREAT IDEA! and down for It's Already Invented.)
