Monday, October 25, 2010


This is our team's decision making process:

Brainstorming: All comments welcomed. No criticism given during this time. Out of a 'crazy' or 'whacky' idea can come the best one! Don't stifle creativity here. EXAMPLE: Last year, a team member humorously suggested bumper car lanes on the freeway/ We all laughed and ended up with bumpers as our real project!

Consolidate: Similar ideas are grouped together on the white board.

Discussion: Very quickly it became obvious that one or two ideas realy shined! 'Crazy' ideas were removed from the whiteboard and we decided on our path to persue.

Decisions: If more than one idea needed to be considered, we researched each topic and then came back together for further discussion. Each person's ideas and research was heard, duscussed and considered before a decision.

Respect: Because each person's idea was heard, discussed and considered, no one felt hurt when their idea wasn't chosen. Everyone wanted the best idea that would work for the team.

Below is a picture of this process on a marker board: