Saturday, February 6, 2016

Download our Stickers!

Have you seen our skit presentation for the 2015-2016 Trash Trek season? In there we explain our three-part solution.

One part is our downloadable stickers. They are available now! You can print them and use them in your household or classroom.

Just attach them to items you want young children to recognize as recyclable and show them where to recycle the items.

Also, to encourage them to use the recycling bin, and to remind them about recycling, you can print a larger image of Benny the Recycle Bin and attach it to your recycle bin in your house, outside, in your classroom, and everywhere you toss recyclables.

If the link above didn't work try this:

Recycle Rap
by Benny the Recycle Bin

On bottled water and other kids things,
Look no further than the packaging.
See my photo, and then you'll know,
Where to put that recyclable.

Recycle, yes or no? The label lets you know!