Friday, January 22, 2016

Can You Help Us?

We are struggling with precision and repeatability with our robot! Can you help us?

We use the EV3 gyro sensor to drive straight and turn precisely. But the gyro values seem to change over time. This is a big problem for us.

For example, when we drive the robot in a straight line across the field, it starts ending as much as 10 beams to the left (N on a field). Slowly, it moves right to be at what should be 0*. Then, it begins to migrate further to the right (S on a field).

Turns behave the same way. A 90* turn goes too far, then over time, it's correct, then not far enough.

So, over the coarse of a programming session of 30-60 minutes or more, we have to keep changing our gyro values.

This is an issue at a tournament. It's impossible to know exactly which values to use.

Please leave us a comment if you have suggestions.

Thank you!

Code For Our Test