Our team is working hard and doing well. We are nearly done working out the final kinks in our project and starting to work on a skit to present to the judges. The Robot design is going great and the programmers are doing their "thing". We will be putting up a survey shortly and we are still researching to find more information before the upcoming tournament.
Our team has done tons of research and are still researching and learning more and more. We have found great facts and amusing statistics. Such as that thirty to thirty nine was the most common age for fatalities during a flood or that 71% of fatalities were male and only 29% were female. Plus lots of other fun finds.
Epic Robi is rockin' the field and we have him programmed to do one and a half out of the five total missions we strategically chose for him to do. The technical goals are being met and the guys are having fun programing Epic Robi. The attachments are nearly done and are in the final stages.
Our team is practicing teamwork exercises and making up team cheers. We are rehearsing tournament skills like crazy and learning what the core values are and how they apply to our own lives. We still don't know our official team name but we will decide at our next meeting on Wednesday.
Fingers are crossed and we are doing our best. Like coach always tells us, "If you work hard and do your best, it doesn't matter if you win or lose. You know you did your best and you know that even if you feel bad at first that feeling is only temporary because you couldn't have done any better and you will have no regrets."